A Brick in The Wall

A Brick in The Wall

Have you ever wondered why the Bible is so filled with blueprints for temples and cities and nations? The entire book is obsessed with structural engineering. When coupled with genealogical records it’s like half the book! A cubit this, or a handbreadth that. Soandso begat suchandsuch. This many thousand cattle and that many hundred shekels of something. Why? Was the Lord killing time? Ensuring you couldn’t memorize the whole book? Did civil engineers get a crack after King James’ scholars? Or is there, perhaps, a critical truth we overlook?
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The Local Dead

The Local Dead

I have a request, and I am asking you to please listen. If you are not a follower of Christ, and by that I mean if you do not know, and submit, to His reign in your life, please do not read this. Scroll by and later in the week I’ll post something for you. I beg you, please. Even if you think my stuff is interesting or funny or sometimes fun to mock, I am just asking you to pretend this one didn’t exist because I Love you and this isn’t for you.
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The Three Enemies You Meet

The Three Enemies You Meet

Nehemiah 6:15 says “So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days.”

I Love the book of Nehemiah; I find many parallels in it to my own leadership walk, and really to our lives in general. I find chapter 6 particularly pleasing, and let me tell you why: it is in this chapter that the enemy shows himself for all to see. I’ve jumped in to the middle, though, so let me back up.

Continue reading “The Three Enemies You Meet”

Happy Birthday, Mister President

Happy Birthday, Mister President


Reagan’s farewell speech won him few friends. People, as people do, mocked his assertions that he did what he could. They pointed out all the places where he overstepped, got in over his head, or outright screwed up. They tore down his persona, trashed his age or his manner of speech, or his Superman-esque speeches about moral certitude. He was just another politician.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Mister President”

Light the Corners of My Mind

Memory is a funny thing. Over the weekend we drove through the town I grew up in and I was struck by the realization that there’s all these moments from my past that go away with me; that will be lost to the currents of time, as meaningless as a single drop in the rushing river. There’s these vast sands that make up me, who I am, that are only truly accessible to me; my own private sandbox. There are so many things in the world that can take them: injury, disease, dementia, death, etc. I can pick up any handful and play them back again, but how long until that isn’t so? How I came to be me could be lost so quickly. How fragile and ephemeral.
Continue reading “Light the Corners of My Mind”